Leia in Boushh Disguise SOTE
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Source: Shadows Of The Empire
HEIGHT: 1.5 Meters
STATUS: Princess of Alderaan, Imperial Senator, Cell Leader of Rebel Alliance
AFFILIATION: Rebel Alliance
WEAPON OF CHOICE: Blaster Pistol
After Han Solo was captured by Boba Fett, several attempts were made on Luke Skywalker's life which threatened the future of the Rebellion. Princess Leia Organa and Chewbacca sought to protect the young Jedi, and traveled to Coruscant to follow up leads surrounding these attempts. They hoped to draw from the extreme intelligence gathering network of the Black Sun, a criminal organization whose operations extended to the farthest reaches of the galaxy. Because Coruscant is the homeworld of the Empire – a dangerous place for any member of the Rebel Alliance – Leia disguised herself as the renowned Ubesian bounty hunter Boushh. Boushh's helmet concealed her entire face while a built-in voxscrambler altered her voice to resemble that of an Ubesian; a false I.D. and code taken from Black Sun completed her disguise and provided a safe level of anonymity. Little did she know that Prince Xizor, Underlord of Black Sun, was behind the murder attempts on Skywalker, and had his sights set on Leia as well.
Leia would later use the Boushh disguise during an attempt to rescue Han Solo, still frozen in carbonite from Jabba the Hutt's palace. Though the rescue failed and she became Jabba's prisoner, Leia would play a crucial role in the battle over the Great Pit of Carkoon. There, she destroyed Jabba and helped Luke Skywalker, Lando Calrissian and Chewbacca to liberate Han Solo rom Jabba's clutches.